Welcome to Our Website

We are a small Baptist church nestled in the beautiful Los Angeles suburb of Redondo Beach. We make it our diligent effort to contend for historic Baptist beliefs through the unadulterated proclaiming of the Gospel, the expository preaching of God’s Word, the scriptural exercising of church ordinances, and the autonomous practice of church polity and discipline. We feel our true Christian hallmark is our binding love for one another, as we worship God in spirit and truth. We hope you find this website helpful and informative, and our church looks forward to seeing you at one of its services.

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God Ephesians 2:8
What We Believe
Contact US
Grace Missionary Baptist Church
2217 Belmont Lane
Redondo Beach CA 90278

Worship Times

Sunday Morning
9:45 - Devotional and
Sunday School
10:45 - Worship Service

Afternoon Services
2:00 - Devotional and Bible Lesson

Wednesday Evening
7:00 - Bible Study

Sunday School

Bro. Ron Whitemore is currently teaching our Sunday School Class.

Please join us. Class starts at 9:45 AM.